Valorant, a fun game by Riot Games, is a first-person shooter that requires skill, smart moves, and teamwork for an exciting time. A big part of Valorant is its ranked mode, where players can test their skills against others and move up in rank. New players might wonder when they should start in this ranked mode.
Before talking about what level you need, it’s key to know how Valorant’s rank system works. Ranked matches are tougher than normal games. Players get placed in matches based on their skills, shown by their rank. The ranking starts at Iron and goes up to Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Immortal, and Radiant, with Radiant being the best.
Players are ranked based on how well they do in matches. Things like kills, objectives, team play, and wins count. The aim is to get better and climb the ranks, with Radiant as the top goal.
To play ranked matches in Valorant, you need to reach Level 20. This means you need to play unranked matches or practice modes to gain experience until you hit level 20. The game does not need any special skills to hit level 20, but it helps to make sure players know the game well before going against others at a higher level.
Making level 20 a must for ranked play helps to make sure players know enough about the game to make smart plays. This level rule stops new players from jumping into ranked play without knowing key parts of the game, like how agents act, maps, and team play.
What You Should Know Before Playing Ranked
Before you dive into ranked, think about these points to make sure you’re ready:
Level 20 is just the start. To do well in ranked, you must understand Valorant’s gameplay. This means getting good at moving, shooting straight, using abilities, and talking with your team.
Valorant has many agents, each with special skills that can change a match. Before you play ranked, be comfortable with some agents and their skills. Learn how to beat other agents’ abilities, too.
Unranked mode is a great way to practice your skills without rank stress. Use these games to try different agents, work on your aim, and know the maps.
Valorant is a team game, and good talk is key. Ranked matches often have serious players, so clear chat is important. Make sure you can use voice or text chat to work with your team.
Is Level 20 Enough to Rank Up Quickly?
Even though hitting level 20 is a big deal, it doesn’t mean you’ll excel in ranked play. Many players have a hard time in their first ranked matches because they are not used to the game style or don’t know enough yet. Here are some ways to help you rank up fast after hitting level 20:
Playing with friends or skilled players can help build a strong team and ease any stress. Teamwork is a must in Valorant, so working with players you can talk to can help you win.
In Valorant, it’s more than just getting kills. Focus on winning rounds and goals, like planting or defusing the spike or holding a spot. Valorant rewards team play and good game choices over just solo skill.
If you find it hard to rank up, look for guides or videos to help your game skills. Learning about maps, agent teamwork, and smart play can give you a boost in ranked games.
In Valorant, you start your ranked journey when you hit Level 20. But this is just the start of your competitive path. To do well in ranked, you must build strong skills, good talk, and a solid game sense. Take your time to master the basics and use unranked matches to grow your skills. Keep in mind that ranked play is about team effort, so work together with your team to win.